Air quality

Air pollution peaks have an impact on health and environment. To avoid this impact, the Region has established different intervention levels of pollutants. Beyond a level, information is provided to the public. In some cases, measures are taken.

There are two types of air pollution:

There are different levels of alert. The pollution peak (smog alert) is announced via:

To minimize the fatal impact of a pollution peak on the environment and our health, it is advisable to take specific measures. These measures aim at decreasing the concentration of pollutants in the air and at reducing the scale of the peak. There are 4 levels according to the duration and the intensity of the winter pollution peak:

Dispensations are no longer required. In case of a driving ban (level 2), the driver must provide proof to the police that he/she complies with the profile stated on the list of persons/vehicles that are still allowed to drive. More info: