Publications on heritage

Miscellaneous publications (maps-walks, brochures, monographs) about the Brussels heritage are realized by the unit Historical heritage.


These maps-walks raise awareness about the heritage. They are dedicated to districts or specific themes:

All these brochures are distributed free of charge. Because of their success, most of the numbers are exhausted.


These brochures were published on the occasion of a construction site of restoration:


These monographs are dedicated to a facet of the Brussels heritage:

  • Les sentinelles de l’histoire, 2000, 136 p. + additional brochure (this book can be bought from the Maison du Roi)
  • Les maisons de la Grand-Place de Bruxelles, 3 e éd. 2007, 230 p. (edited) by CFC Editions and available in bookshops)