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Do you want to give your business a solid push towards more social and environmental sustainability but you don't know where to start? The 'Shift my enterprise' call for expressions of interest offers free support and a grant of up to 16,000 euros to help your company move towards greater sustainability.
Brussels Environment, Brussels Economy Employment and hub.brussels are jointly launching 'Shift my enterprise', a new support offer to help small and medium-sized businesses in Brussels make the gradual transition to a more sustainable business model.
Support for companies in Brussels
'Shift my enterprise' offers companies:
- free, high-quality, in-depth support from experts, consisting of co-construction of an action plan and/or support in realising it
- networking and easier access to regional aid schemes
- promotion of their project
- advantageous conditions for setting up on the premises of Greenbizz.brussels, the regional incubator for sustainable projects
- higher economic development grants and subsidies as an 'exemplary' company
More info?
External siteShift my enterprise (in French and Dutch)