Tivoli school quarter

The Tivoli quarter has no less than 8 schools and 4 crèches. This means that every school day, a lot of children move to the school gate and back home. In line with the ambitions of the School Streets project, the City of Brussels wants to make the Tivoli quarter safer and healthier for the many school children, and therefore also for its residents and visitors.

Together with a design office, the City worked out various measures and interventions to make the Tivoli neighbourhood a low-traffic school quarter. Through traffic will be restricted and various traffic calming measures will be taken. On top of that, parents and school-age children who can do so will be encouraged to come to school in an active way.

An initial proposal of the school district was presented to about 80 local residents, traders and schools at a neighbourhood meeting on 10 November 2021. At smaller discussion tables, the City listened to their feedback. After the neighbourhood meeting, all neighbourhood residents and actors were invited to submit comments. The City will work with all comments, both from attendees and those who came forward after the neighbourhood meeting. 

New consultation moments will be organised in 2023 to further deepen the diagnosis and discuss the possible measures with a maximum number of people and actors from the neighbourhood.

Tivoli neighborhood meeting

Tivoli neighborhood meeting