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Town planning plans and regulations

The development plans are indicative orientation plans whereas the special zoning plans and the subdivision permits are regulatory and binding. Town planning regulations are a condition for the delivery of town planning permits. Alignment plans define the boundary between the public domain and private property.

Municipal planning regulations are effective on the municipal territory of the City of Brussels.

The special zoning plans of Haren, Laeken, Louise, Neder-Over-Heembeek, North, North-East and Pentagon (city centre) are only available in Dutch and French.

To find out about the subdivisions on the territory of the City of Brussels, you can consult the External sitemapping website BruGIS.

Consultation of the plan and regulations of the subdivision (allotment) permits is done at the Archives of the City of Brussels.

A copy (paper or digital) of certain documents can be obtained after prior payment of a fee.

Please note: in the case of subdivision permits, the Archives of the City of Brussels has the exclusive task of making the files available for consultation. Consequently, the officers of the Archives Department are not authorised to:

  • answer questions of a town planning nature (legal status of an asset, town planning zoning, explanation of plans,...)
  • formulate opinions or interpret the content of files of allotment permits kept in the depots
  • provide attestations of any kind (zoning, absence of plans,...) 

The recommendations describe the expectations of the City of Brussels for specific neighbourhoods or themes.

The recommendations have no regulatory value, but define what the City considers good local development. The recommendations do not replace existing town planning regulations.