Use of eID and card reader: instructions

Certain online applications at the City and Irisbox require an electronic ID card (eID), a card reader and sofware.


The reading of an electronic ID card can be done via a computer using an operating system of Windows, Mac or Linux. The procedure of installation is different according to the operating system.

Card reader

The reading of an electronic ID card requires a reader (card reader) as used for example for Tax-on-web. Certain computers have an incorporated reader.

A card reader is available at the Population Service of the City of Brussels for 7 euro.


To proceed to an online operation (for example via Irisbox), it is necessary to have loaded:

ID card

The applicant must be have an electronic ID card. The PIN code will also be asked during the operation.


When a payment must be made online, the applicant must have a Visa or MasterCard. The payment can also be made via Bancontact/MisterCash. It is then necessary to use a digipass (device supplied by the bank).