Reserve a street to play?

A 'play street' is a street that is temporarily closed to traffic and reserved for children playing. Local residents can request such a street themselves.

The rules for a 'play street' are laid down in Articles 2.36 and 22 septies of the Road Code.

The street is fenced off on both sides with fences with the traffic sign C3, supplemented by the bottom sign 'Rue réservée au jeu - Speelstraat'.

Traffic sign play street

During the hours when the street is closed, it is reserved across the entire width for children playing. Play infrastructure can be placed, provided that the passage for permitted traffic and emergency services is not obstructed.

The play street is only accessible to vehicles of people who live in the street or have a garage, for the emergency services or other authorized traffic and cyclists.

The drivers must not hinder the pedestrians who play there. They have to drive very carefully.

Check the feasibility?

Streets must meet the following criteria:

  • predominant residential function
  • a local street that is not strategic for the acces of vehicles in the area
  • no passing traffic
  • no public transport in the street

To be admissible, the request must contain the following:

  • the form submitted by at least 3 'godparents' living in the street, who can be supported by a neighborhood committee or other non-profit organisation that can play a facilitating role
  • a paper survey showing the collection of the opinion of at least half of the residents of the street
  • the signing of a charter containing the commitments of the godparents and established between the applicants and the services of the City


The application file must be signed by 3 persons, referred to as the 'godparents' of the project.

The godparents live in the relevant street section and can be supported by a neighborhood committee or other non-profit organisations that can play a facilitating role.

They perform their tasks in a motivated and responsible manner. In particular, they:

  • conduct a survey among all residents of the street prior to the request
  • gather opinions and ideas about the project. In order to be taken into account, at least half of the residents involved must support the implementation of the play street.
  • inform all residents (citizens, traders,...) of the area where the activity takes place, by means of a letter containing the conditions of the play street and the details of the godparents
  • ensure the installation and removal of the nadar gates (or any other infrastructure) at the specified times
  • ensure the link between residents and municipality
  • sign a charter specifying the role of the godparents

You want to get started and want information or advice:

The application form must be duly completed, signed and sent by post:

  • Brussels Participation
    Rue des Halles 4
    1000 Brussels


The document must reach the administration at least 30 days before the start of the event, and must be accompanied by a paper survey gathering the opinion of at least half of the residents of the street section concerned and the charter for good functioning signed by the godparents.

The introduction of this form does not constitute an authorisation to hold the event. The decision lies with the municipality on the basis of a case-by-case analysis by the police zone and the municipal services.

Reserve a street to play?