This city map of Brussels can be searched by service or points of interest (click on the layer in the top right of the map). Zooming in and out is possible as well.
Warning: to benefit from all the features of this map, it is recommended to use a recent browser: Internet Explorer 9, Safari 6, Chrome 12, Firefox 4, Android for Android 3.0 and superior versions).
The map contains following points of interest:
- Administrative Centre and liaison offices (address list and more information)
- Districts (list of districts and more information in Newcomer, section Map with quarters of the City of Brussels)
- Tourist offices (address list and more information in Tourism, section Tourist information offices)
- Police stations (address list and more information)
- Parks (list and more information)
- Cultural places (address list and more information)
- Cinemas (address list and more information)
- French-language libraries (address list and more information)
- Dutch-language libraries (address list and more information)
- Sports halls and stadiums (address list and more information)
- Parkings (address list and more information)
- Urinals (address list and more information)
- Toilets (address list and more information)
- Dog toilets (address list and more information)
- European institutions (address list and more information in Tourism, section European institutions)
- Taxi stands (address list and more information)
- Youth hostels (address list and more information in Tourism, section Youth hostels)
- Museums of the City of Brussels (address list and more information)
- Theatres (address list and more information)
- Comic book route (address list and more information)
- MyBXL terminals (address list and more information)
- Playgrounds and sports grounds (address list and more information)
- Cemeteries (list of cemeteries and more information)
- Dog spaces (address list and more information)