Leçon de Mode: Mode & Art Nouveau

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On Tuesday 21 November 2023, at 6:30 pm, at the City Hall of Brussels (Militia Hall). In French.

'Leçon de Mode' is a collaboration between the Fashion & Lace Museum and MAD Brussels - Fashion and Design Centre to promote fashion knowledge among the general public and professionals.

This year, we are celebrating the 130th anniversary of Art Nouveau. A style of art that seeks to be all-encompassing. Artists of that movement tended to offer a new, modern style and refused to look to the past. They conceived works of art for their clients in which they have thought through each element. Some of them also incorporated women’s fashion into their reflection, opposing historicising or eclectic trends from Paris. The lecturers will trace an unprecedented panorama of this fashion style around 1900.

By Camille Paget, a graduate of the Ecole du Louvre and scientific assistant at the Horta Museum, and Mathilde Semal, a graduate of the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) and conservator at the Fashion & Lace Museum.

Booking required:

External site Leçon de Mode: Mode & Art Nouveau



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    Leçon de Mode: Mode & Art Nouveau