'Low-traffic Haren' action plan

Following the numerous road safety problems identified by residents of Haren, the City of Brussels has drawn up an action plan entitled 'Low-traffic Haren'. The plan aims to calm the neighbourhood, make the area around schools safer and reduce the nuisance caused by heavy traffic.

Low-traffic Haren map

Low-traffic Haren map


The detailed measures are available in French and Dutch:

Summary of measures (PDF, 157.16 KB)

Traffic measures:

  1. One-way traffic inwards Rue de la Paroisse (PDF, 850.28 KB)
  2. One-way traffic outbound Rue Harenheyde (PDF, 777.53 KB)
  3. Making school quarters safer (PDF, 428.59 KB)
  4. One-way west-east traffic on Rue de Cortenbach - East-west bus lane maintained (PDF, 393.08 KB)
  5. One-way traffic on Harenberg and Rue du Camp (PDF, 514.71 KB)

Accompanying measures:

  1. Cycle lane on Rue de la Paroisse (PDF, 850.28 KB)
  2. Chicane parking on Rue Harenheyde (PDF, 777.53 KB)
  3. Development of the bus terminus on Rue de la Seigneurie (PDF, 406.21 KB)
  4. Ban on truck traffic in the town (PDF, 341.78 KB)
  5. Limiting the width and length of parking spaces on Rue du Pré aux Oies (PDF, 341.78 KB)


Old measures: Brochure - 'Low-traffic Haren' action plan (PDF, 786.61 KB) (in French and Dutch)


As part of the multi-year participation process, this plan has been adapted to take into account the many comments and concerns expressed by Haren residents.

The 'Low-traffic Haren' action plan was presented at a public meeting on Monday 27 November 2023 (at 6 pm at the Community Centre De Linde).

More info about the participation process:

External site 'Low-traffic Haren' action plan (FaireBXLsamen platform)



Low-traffic Haren action plan