Need help in Ukrainian?

Taking someone into your confidence? Report violence or abuse? Want to discuss something in Ukrainian? Contact one of the Ukrainian women of the (V)oor Vrouwen project.

In Ukrainian:

Маєте бажання розповісти чи зробити заяву про насильство, знущання?

Бажаєте поділитись своєю історією чи потребуєте підтримки? Звертайтеся до наших українок за адресою

(V)oor Vrouwen project

(V)oor Vrouwen is a project for and by Ukrainian women. Eighteen Ukrainian women from Brussels, Antwerp, Roeselare, Kortrijk, Ostend, Bruges, East Flanders and Limburg were trained as 'listening ears'. They can also refer to the right aid organisations.

In addition, the Ukrainian women are available by phone for women in need who want to tell their stories in Ukrainian.

More info?

Created on 30/08/2023 (modified on 30/08/2023)


Need help in Ukrainian?