'Salon des littératures africaines écrites et orales'

This event has already passed

On 30 and 31 March 2024, from 10 am to 7 pm, at the Congolese Cultural Centre.

The mission of the 'Salon des littératures africaines écrites et orales' (SLABEO) is to highlight African knowledge, by showcasing Africa's cultural and literary heritage.

The programme includes literary cafés, lectures by thinkers and researchers, and performances by slammers and poets. You will also have the chance to discover the works of authors, talk to publishers and meet Afro-descendant cultural promoters and artists from Belgium, France and elsewhere.

More info?

Booking is required:

External site Salon des littératures africaines écrites et orales (Facebook)


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'Salon des littératures africaines écrites et orales'