Statbel labour force survey

Statbel, the Belgian Statistics Office, is conducting a labour force survey at some households in the City of Brussels. The selected households will be notified by letter (from January to December 2024).

Several households in the City of Brussels have been selected to participate in the labour force survey. Interviewers from Statbel will soon come to Brussels to interview these households.

How does it work?

The households selected from the National Register will receive a letter from Statbel with the contact details of the assigned interviewer. The interviewer will contact the household to arrange a date for the interview. Participation in the survey is a legal obligation under a Royal Decree. For the selected households, participation is a great opportunity to contribute to a better understanding of the workforce in Belgium.

Survey results

The survey results, which are completely anonymous, provide an overview of the Belgian labour market and cover, among other things, the employment situation, job search, education and qualifications. Statbel uses these data to compile statistics at a national and regional level. As the survey is also organised in other EU member states, comparative European statistics are also compiled.


Anyone with questions can contact Statbel:

Created on 10/01/2024 (modified on 10/01/2024)
Statbel labour force survey