What is a Axis and Housing Block Contract?

An Axis and Housing Block Contract (CACI or AHC) is an urban renewal tool of the Brussels Capital Region.

It is a four-year action plan to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of one or more blocks or of an 'axis':

  • public spaces
  • support for social and civic life
  • environment
  • community facilities
  • ...

Goals of an Axis and Housing Block Contract?

An Axis and Housing Block Contract has the following goals:

  • decongesting and making courtyards of blocks and axes permeable and implement systems to lessen climate impacts
  • revalue buildings by renovating them first and only then by demolishing and rebuilding buildings or erecting new ones
  • upgrading public spaces to improve their urban and ecological quality (function as a place to stay, meet or relax, linking the green and blue network)
  • using the axis more intensively with housing, local public facilities and economic activities, making it more user-friendly and accessible for people actively moving around and applying systems to counter the effects of global warming
  • taking more account of citizens' projects (from associations, the neighbourhood itself,...)

More info?

External site Axis and Housing Block Contract (Urban.brussels)