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Local currency Zinne

Local currency Zinne

Since 21 March 2019, a local currency has been circulating on the territory of the Brussels Capital Region: the Zinne (1 Zinne = 1 euro). This local and real citizen currency is gradually improving in the Brussels economy.

Why a local currency like the Zinne?

The introduction of a local currency in a closed circuit creates a parallel local economy. With the Zinne you can go to dealers in the 19 Brussels municipalities, including the City of Brussels.

This geographic delimitation must ensure that the Zinne remains in the real economy (goods and services), and does not end up in the hands of a bank or used for speculation.


Who benefits from the Zinne?

It is merchants, artisans and local service providers who benefit from it. This creates a circular economy: you buy a loaf of bread from the bakery with Zinnes, the baker buys his flour from a supplier with Zinnes, the supplier has dinner in a restaurant that accepts Zinnes, and the restaurant owner buys his bread with Zinnes.

How to get Zinnes? 

You can get them at one of the 40 exchange offices. With your Zinnes (1 Zinne = 1 euro) you can go to more than 190 shops or traders in Brussels: groceries, restaurants, bars, cultural places, independent suppliers,...

Anyone can also create an electronic Zinne account on the site or through the application. It is also possible to obtain and spend the Zinne thanks to an application that you can download directly onto your smartphone: External siteZinne local currency.

More info?

More information and the list of participating retailers and service providers can be found at:

External siteZinne

Gift vouchers in Zinne?

By giving gift vouchers in Zinne, you are supporting your local traders and promoting the local economy. Order your gift vouchers on the platform:

External siteShop Zinne

Created on 27/05/2021 (Modified on 15/06/2024)