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BE-Alert is an alarm system that the government can use to alert you in an emergency situation. This can be via text message, an e-mail or a voice message via a fixed telephone line.

What is BE-Alert?

Emergency situations are for example a fire, flood, power cut,... Depending on the nature and size, your municipality, province or the Secretary of the Interior can send a message via BE-Alert with the necessary recommendations for your safety (for example, closing windows and doors in the event of a fire). If you receive a text message, you will receive a message from the following sender based on your telephone operator:

  • ALARM1789
  • 1789

How to register?

To receive a message, you must register in advance. In this way the competent authority knows who to notify in which location. You can register different addresses (home, work,...) and different phone numbers. Registration is free via:

Major emergencies

In case of major emergency situations, the government can also inform everyone who is physically at a certain location. The government then sends the message to everyone in the danger zone.

What to do during emergencies?

Do you want to know more about what you can do before, during or after emergencies (terrorism, flood, nuclear incident, storm, ozone level peak, chemical accident at a Seveso company,...)? Surf to: