The search for employment starts with the registration as job-seeker and with an active search. Several services help people in search of employment or training.
Registration as job-seeker
For all people in Brussels, the registration as job-seeker is done with External siteActiris, the Brussels Regional Office of Employment.
The registration as a job-seeker allows:
- to benefit from help in search of employment on behalf of Actiris
- to reach formations
- to take advantage of reductions to follow studies or formation
- to benefit from helps in employment and from Social Security
Support in searching a job?
Several services help people in search of employment.
Job House and Employment Centre (City of Brussels)
The Job House offers services to job-seekers and companies of the City of Brussels:
- decentralized office of External siteActiris
- services of the External siteMission locale de Bruxelles-Ville
- Local employment agency (ALE)
- Employment Centre
The External siteEmployment Centre of the City of Brussels provides the following services:
- a general reception for the Job House of the City of Brussels
- employment and training fairs
- digital public spaces in Brussels-centre and Neder-Over-Heembeek, and computer courses
- proximity services: 1 mediator in the Bockstael quarter
- an employment space in Neder-Over-Heembeek
- social assistance
- an External siteEmployment Bus in the streets of Brussels to offer advice and help in finding work
- the JOBrusseleir: a magazine with news of the Job House of the City and its partners
- tools to facilitate the job search: brochures, website,...
Tracé Brussel
The External siteTracé Brussel association offers support to job-seekers and employers in Dutch via its External siteWerkwinkels.
Mission locale de Bruxelles-Ville
The External siteMission locale de Bruxelles-Ville offers support to job-seekers in French (individual or in group).
Local employment agency (ALE-PWA)
The External siteLocal employment agencies (ALE) give the opportunity to unemployed people and beneficiaries of the subsistence minimum to do services while gaining a supplement at their allowances. The agency also provides service vouchers. These vouchers allow private individuals to pay, at an advantageous price rate, services of household help.