A new 20,000 m2 park has been opened at the Rue Bruyn in Neder-Over-Heembeek. The Public Welfare Centre (CPAS-OCMW) decided to make the wasteland available to the local residents.
The interior of the Bruyn Park is aimed at everyone, with:
- a playground for children with toys for 0-3 years, 3-6 years and 6-12 years
- a safe trampoline
- a climbing wall
- a didactic trail with information boards about plant species and biodiversity
- fitness equipment
- an open space
- a picnic area
- a small orchard
- flower meadows, birdhouses and insect hotels
A vegetable garden shows everything about urban agriculture, in collaboration with the Community Centres.
The park is managed by Ecoflore, a service of the External siteCPAS-OCMW offering socio-professional gardener training.