Midi Station Urban renewal contract

The Midi Station Urban renewal contract is a regional action program on the territory of the municipalities of Saint-Gilles, Anderlecht and the City of Brussels.

This program will finance part of the regional ambitions of the Midi PAD-RPA construction master plan by working as a priority on the density of the network and the improvement and greening of public spaces.

Housing and local and metropolitan facilities will contribute to the social, economic and ecological transition of the quarter and the Region.

Perimeter of the Midi Station URC

Perimeter of the 'Around the Midi Station' URC


  • 2021-2022: preparation of the program (diagnosis, challenges, program)
  • 2023-2027: elaboration
  • 2028-2030: implementation

Other initiatives at the Midi quarter

Simultaneously with the Urban renewal contract, several initiatives are currently underway in and around the Midi quarter.

Within the perimeter:

On the edge of the perimeter:

Other public (Region, municipalities, Citydev, STIB, NMBS, Infrabel...) and private investments are also planned.


A participatory process takes place throughout the entire program drafting period through:

  • A consultation of public actors and associations to use their field expertise and thematic workshops
  • An analysis of the terrain
  • A participatory walk (27 November 2021) and thematic workshops
  • A citizens' forum - general assembly

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Midi Station Urban renewal contract
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