The City of Brussels awards a premium for the identification and registration of domestic cats. The bonus is awarded to any person living on the territory of the City of Brussels (1000, 1020, 1120 and 1130).
Why a bonus?
It is mandatory to identify domestic cats when they are sold, given away or when they travel abroad. This obligation serves to prevent abandoned and lost cats. Since 1 November 2017, any cat born after this date (and not visiting for less than 6 months) must be identified and registered before it is 12 weeks old.
Therefore, a cat that was born in an owner's home 5 years ago and spends her entire life at home does not need to be identified. This cat can run away, however. It will therefore be very difficult to find the owner.
Not all cats over 3 years old are necessarily identified. An identified cat, like a dog, is a well-protected animal.
Amount and conditions
The amount of the municipal bonus is set at 50 euros.
It should not exceed 100% of the amount of the vet's bill.
A maximum of 3 premiums can be awarded per year and per household.
- Regulation - Award of a municipal bonus for the identification and registration of domestic cats (in French)
- Regulation - Award of a municipal bonus for the identification and registration of domestic cats (in Dutch)
How to apply?
To receive this bonus, you must complete the application form (1.07 MB) (in French) or application form (2.62 MB) (in Dutch) and send it, together with the requested documents, to (within a maximum of 3 months after the implantation of the electronic chip):
- 02 279 33 10