Urban vegetable garden training

Skyfarms (in collaboration with the City of Brussels) offers free support to people involved in urban vegetable or kitchen gardens. A range of training courses helps you develop and improve your vegetable garden and the community dynamics that go with it.

This professional guidance is free.

Which courses?

  • Module 1. Technical management of the vegetable garden: sowing, cultivation plan, irrigation,...
  • Module 2. Specific management: compost, chicory, fruit trees, mushrooms,...
  • Module 3. Collective dynamics: setting up a citizens' collective, collective management,...

This list is not complete. Please feel free to express your needs using the application form.

You can also benefit from a module adapted to the needs of your garden.


  • For groups: the number of persons is at least 4 households
  • Maximum 5 training modules per collective (with the exception of the creation of new kitchen gardens, which can benefit from more training)

How to apply?

Please fill in the form:

More info?


Created on 01/02/2021 (modified on 06/02/2024)


Urban vegetable garden training