
Rue Neuve visitors in realtime

Rue Neuve visitors in realtime

Watch in realtime how many visitors there are at the Rue Neuve - Nieuwstraat shopping street in Brussels.

Advantages of carsharing?

Advantages of carsharing?

The '' network developed a tool to easily calculate the financial benefit of carsharing compared to having your own car. You can also compare the different formulas of carsharing providers.

'One team of 11 million' campaign

'One team of 11 million' campaign

With the new campaign '1 team of 11 million', the Belgian government is calling on the Belgians to fight together against the coronavirus (Covid-19).

Brussels 30 km/h zone since 1 January 2021

Brussels 30 km/h zone since 1 January 2021

Brussels is a 30 km/h zone since 1 January 2021. You may drive at a maximum speed of 30 km/h on all roads in the Brussels Capital Region, with the exception of the major axes where the speed limit remains 50 or 70 km/h.

Application "14-18: occupied Brussels"

Application '14-18: occupied Brussels'

The app '14-18: occupied Brussels' offers an interactive tour of the centre of Brussels on the theme of the German occupation during the First World War. The app is only available in French and Dutch.
